Use our packing lists for each camp to make sure your girl has everything she needs for an exciting camp experience! Please note: These lists are simply general suggestions of what your girl should pack. Upon registering for a camp, you will receive an e-mail with session-specific camping items.
As you pack, label everything with your camper’s first and last name.
Remember that camp is rustic – think dirt, dust, and humidity – so, clothes and shoes will get dirty. We do not have laundry facilities available for camper use, so pack enough for your camper’s entire stay.
Instructions for Packing Medications
Pack medication containers in a plastic zip bag with the camper’s name printed in permanent ink on the bag. All medications, vitamins, and supplements must be in original containers with the doctor’s name, dosage, and any instructions clearly stated.
For resident camp, the camp health supervisor will keep medications, vitamins, ointments, etc., in the health center during camp. On trips, we will send medications, etc., with staff. Inhalers, Epi Pens, and other necessary items will be kept with each camper as determined by the health supervisor and information submitted through CampDoc.
We ask that troop leaders or troop volunteers keep medications, vitamins, ointments, etc., in a secure container for the girls during their stay.
We have a supply of commonly used over-the-counter medicines, so it is not necessary to send these to camp. If you have a question about a specific medicine, please contact us.
Banned Items
- Weapons
- Pets
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Candy, food, or beverages (they attract bugs and other critters)
- Personal sports equipment (unless approved by the camp director)
- Electronic devices*
Lost and Found
Camp is not responsible for lost or stolen personal belongings, money, or any items left at camp. Lost and found items will be kept at camp for one month. Any items not claimed by that time will be donated. Please contact the camp director if items are forgotten at camp.
*Cell phones, iPods, tablets, and game devices will be confiscated if brought to camp and will be kept in the camp office until departure day. eReaders, such as Nooks and Kindles, may be brought for reading, but they will be confiscated if seen being used for playing games or using the internet.